9/11 Concert Of Prayer – Redondo Beach Union High School

Chris Everyone’s been impacted by what happened 10 years ago Psalm 46 V. 10-11 especially We have gathered here tonight to pray, remember, heal Pastor Kirk Don Can’t believe it’s been 10 years I had a chance to go to New York and minister to some first responders and people who were there I remember being devastated by the destruction Jesus and Pilate, you too will perish unless you repent It’s easy to point at evil in the world, but God always calls us to our own hearts Psalm 51 (create in me a clean heart O God) Doug I haven’t written anything down be I’m going to speak from the heart My nephew Kenneth Rice was among the first casualties when the plane struck the north tower He was working on IT stuff and normally didn’t work there, but that morning they were all called in for a meeting … Continue reading →